Monday, September 27, 2010

Entry #5

So on this blog, I decided to get FESTIVE!

Halloween is spooky by nature, but it doesn't have to be a scary time for the environment. I've been keeping up on my environment issues and thought that this would be a great time to tie it into the upcoming holiday--Halloween! I was reading tips and "tricks" (haha) to help have a safe and eco-friendly Halloween.

1. Send your kids out with Reusable Bags
When I was younger I used something as simple as a pillow case to store my candy in. It's great because it saves you the trouble of going out and buying a plastic trick or treat container. It also holds more candy which would be a hit with the kids. Paper and plastic bags can also tear easily, spilling Halloween treats and disappointing children. Reusable bags are much more durable.

2. Make your own Halloween costume
Easy as 1-2-3! Just get an old bed sheet and you have the perfect ghost costume! BOO!
Instead of going out and buying a Halloween costume, which usually ends up in the trash after one year anyways, make your own! Have kids get creative and use their imagination. Kids never want to wear the same costume twice and usually outgrow their costume by the next year anyways. After Halloween, you can either wash and store your homemade costumes for other use, trade with friends, or donate the clothing from which they were made to day care centers, homeless shelters, or charitable organizations.

3. Give Eco-Friendly Treats
Instead of wasting money on candy have something else to give to trick or treaters such as fun shaped erasers, pencils, crayons, or other inexpensive gifts or gadgets you can find at your local dollar store. Let's face it most candy wrappers end up on the streets from anxious kids and this can lead to problems. Change it up a bit!
Haunted Halloween erasers!
4. Walk instead of Drive
Let's be serious, most kids draw up a full detailed map of their trick or treat route before the big night. Let them get some exercise by walking, or in some cases running, door to door instead of driving. This reduces fuel consumption and air pollution. If it's necesary to drive to a Halloween party or what not, try carpooling.

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