Monday, November 8, 2010

Entry #6

1. List all of the items you handle in 24 hours.
- Bed covers
- Toothbrush
- Toilet paper
- Gatorade Bottle
- Clothes (shoes, shirt, pants, etc.)

- School supplies (Binder, Book, Paper, Pen, etc.)
- Laptop
- TV remote
- Cell phone
- Purse
- Money/Coins
- Plastic Cup
- Car keys

- Food
- Make-up
- Hair Dryer
- Hair Straightener
- Sunglasses
- Chair
- Door Handle

2. List all the packages these items come in.
A majority of these items come in plastic packages. Example: Household items such as toilet paper or a toothbrush. Also plastic wrapping for food items such as grapes. For meat items, it comes in styrofoam with a plastic cover. Other items may come in cardboard.

3. List all the food you eat in 24 hours.
- Bowl of Apple Jacks
- Toast
- Cup of Milk
- Strawberry Yogurt
- Peanut and Butter Marshmellow Sandwich
- Doritos
- Water
- Hershey's Chocolate Bar w/ Almonds
- Olive Garden
       - 4 Breadsticks
       - Bowl of Sald
       - Lasagna
       - 3 Diet Cokes
- Cup of ice cream

4. List all the packages these foods come in.
Most come in packaging from a manufacturer; which usually consists of cardboard and plastic. Coke from coke bottles come in a plastic bottle; same as water. Cereals come in cardboard boxes with plastic wrapping on the inside. The marshmellow for my sandwich came in a glass container while the peanut butter came in plastic.

5. List total calories for these 24 hours.

- Bowl of Apple Jacks = 129 calories
- Toast = 100 calories
- Cup of Milk (Whole) = 146 calories
- Strawberry Yogurt = 449 calories
- Peanut and Butter Marshmellow Sandwich = 375 calories
- Doritos = 140 calories
- Water = 0 calories
- Hershey's Chocolate Bar w/ Almonds = 400 calories
- Olive Garden

150 calories EACH! AWW MAN--these are the best part of the whole dinner!!
       - 4 Breadsticks = 600 calories
       - Bowl of Salad = 85 calories
       - Lasagna = 850 calories
       - 3 Diet Cokes = 39 calories
- Cup of ice cream = 200 calories

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